Monday, July 16, 2007

What Is One Thing To Make Burlington A Better Town?

  • Wireless internet in City parks
  • Livable wages for Burlington School District support staff
  • Buses that run on Sundays
  • Less roads and more trees and bike paths
  • More dirty secrets
  • Better public transit
  • Progressives who would start acting progressive and listen to the people who love this town!
  • More people just like me...and Chapin - Liam (Thanks Liam, you get extra credit for this answer)
  • Less police violence and less pedophiles
  • More code enforcement so families will stay in Burlington
  • Real good men in their 30's ;-)
  • My ex-girlfriend moving!
  • Recycle bins on the bike path. Maybe 1 or 2 at each park area. Thanks for your service.
  • College students who don't litter or swear when they're standing outside the bars. One thing the town doesn't need - another yoga studio.
  • A little taqueria right next to Speeder & Earls on Pine Street. Nothing fancy - just a stand with real Mexican food, open early in the morning and late at night for hungry people. I will run it if someone will fund it! I'll use all green products, too. - Graciela P.
  • More alternative energy like wind and solar
  • Improved bike lanes
  • No open container law on Church Street
  • Get more New Yorkers to move here! Love, Fundarr
  • More Folk Food patties! hee, hee
  • More hours of bus service - evenings and weekends (love your surveys)
  • Jobs, affordable housing and free ice cream on Tuesday.
  • The first Friday art opening should include outdoor music events. - Seth
  • More control over loitering and pan handling. :-)
  • A carless downtown like Copenhagen. Thanks!
  • A good skatepark. No bad cops.
  • Eliminate graffiti.
  • Free buses and public transportation for all! - Heather
  • Affordable housing.
  • Church Street should be run by the city or community -- not by an organization.
  • More bike lanes in town, better public transportation, and more jobs.
  • Get rid of Moran plant and build recreation center / marketplace / parking / commercial space.
  • Less Progressives.
  • Make Burlington smoke free. Ban smoking.
  • Decriminalize marijuana.
  • Connect bike path to others in the region
  • Increase the amount of forested open space that is available to the public -- five times what we have now, at least
  • I would like to see the bike path plowed and salted during the winter. - Dr. Dave
  • Repair this great bike path that we have. It is so beat.
  • Fix our transportation problems- crossing lights, paths, streets, sidewalks. The police need to enforce and the city needs to provide.
  • More trails like this one. More buses like College St. shuttle.
  • More Minorities!
  • More Single Men!
  • NO HIPPIES!!! and the evaporation of annoying grassroots bull#$%* like this stupid "trailspeak" thing. Please take this thing down and stop disrupting my peaceful commute to work.
  • A real network of bike paths, specifically for transportation- no pedestrians taking up path dawdling over entire lane area- which is OK for a wreck (sic) path, but for real commuters-bike commuters. That would dramatically improve B-town area.
  • Maintain bikepath
  • People should stop running redlights.
  • Cleaner lake areas. Ecoli- eww
  • Remove the stinky water /sewage treatment plant from the waterfront.
  • Lower taxes/ Cleaner lake/ more bikepaths.
  • More variety in people and political viewpoints (though there's not much anyone can do about this one)
  • Burlington would be a much better place if Bill Jones would marry me. Potter
  • More bikes, less cars!
I am amazed how many people want more and better transportation and bike facilities. I just warms my heart- rg

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Who is your hero or heroine?

July 2007 Answers:
  • Chris Bliss...sense of balance (Check out the YouTube video and you will see why)
  • Gib Mach- my dad- He was a positive influence in many lives and a super role model.
  • Marin Luther King, Jr. and Starhawk- Great courage and power thru nonviolent activism.
  • My hero is my son, who faces the challenge of multiple disabilities with grace, dignity, patience and perseverance.
  • My mom & my husband - when my son was born at home and the midwife didn't show up in time, they delivered my son. No firetrucks or 911 necessary. We call them our local heroes.
  • My late grandmother (Nonny) is my heroine. Her husband died when my mom was only 2. She also had a one year old, a three year old and five other children. She had to raise these 8 children on her own as well as run the family business. She even took in two foster children. She was very independent and always happy. She taught me to always enjoy life no matter what life hands you. - Deb R.
  • My mom who fought cancer and almost won. She taught me how to fight hard.
  • Muhammad Ali - Outstanding moral principles and courage to stand up for them. Plus the greatest boxer of our time! Pacifist, warrior, hero.
  • Michael Moore, you're my hero.
  • My dad 'cause he's got some crazy stories
  • Mahatma Ghandi for standing up in the face of oppression
  • Sir Richard Burton - an English explorer/spy in the 18th century India who made great strides in language and culture. He was kind of a jerk though.
  • My hero is Jesus Christ. He died for me. He rose for me. He lives for me. And has a home prepared for me in heaven!!
  • John Lennon - he was fearless
  • Jesus Christ - he died for us
  • James Bond- RJW
  • Georgia O'Keefe for one
  • Desmond Tutu
  • Carry Weed- PKC
  • My teacher, Miss McMorris/ my mom
  • Bobby Kennedy. He brought the hopes of equality to all people.
  • Dad, he rocks
  • Charlie the Unicorn- he lost a kidney for comedy... :)
  • Joseph Stalin for bringing so many people together forever.
  • Oprah. CH
  • Truth is so transcendent that we depend on it more than it will ever depend on us. SK
  • The Buddah for sharing a path for peace
  • Ceasar Millan, rehabilitates dogs while training people- Go dog whisperer!
  • Superman- need we say more...
  • mom and dad
  • my hero is anyone who can face the reality of our world and not be discouraged.
  • Joan Benoit who won the 1st Olympic women's marathon in 1984 in Los Angeles. When she was way ahead of the pack and alone on the LA freeway all the commentators predicted she'd "never last." She went on to win! I still admire her. It was a great moment for women and sports.
  • Superman
  • Gary Snyder- Award wining poet, proactive environmentalist has lived a diverse life following his won rules and path and came out as a humble role model.
  • My hero- for the moment is Madeline Kunin- who paved the way for women in Vermont and justice in Europe and a healthy environment!
  • My mom! Because she has such an open mind and youthful spirit at almost 80!
  • Pat Tillman- Gave up Million $ Triggered to serve by 9/11/01