- Guinea pig
- Snails
- Whale sushi
- Chicken feet...actually, I couldn't make myself eat them
- I've eaten a big green worm hanging from a tree at North Beach. Bitter.
- Chocolate covered cockroach.
- Diet Coke (yuk!)
- Sea Urchin at a Japenese restaurant in Colorado. It was both solid and liquid; solid when untouched, liquified when finger/tongue made contact, solid again post touch. Acquired taste indeed.
- Fish eyes.
- Mississippi black snake
- Troll House cookies (ED note: yes, that's what they wrote)
- Crab brains in Tokyo, Japan
- Seaweed
- Crickets
- Broccoli - Nolan, age 6
- Twinkies and taco sauce - Zippy the pinhead
- Borscht
- Ant eggrolls - SSC
- Alligator and snake
- Squirrel
- Leche nuts? - Sequoia
- Pigeon, bumble bees and jelly fish in China
- Chicken gizzards and fufu
- Crocodile
- Road runner
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
What Is The Strangest Food You've Eaten?
Sunday, August 1, 2010
What Law Have You Wanted To Break...and Why?
- Fires on the lake...why not?
- Get naked in public
- Nothing
- Practicing law without a license. If you can argue with logic, why waste 3 years at school?
- Trespassing. Why do we need so many fences? We didn't make the land.
- Gravity. Because flying without a plane would be so much more fun!
- The law that kids under the age of 17 can't drive...because I am 8.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Upcoming Questions
Here are questions that will be coming up soon. Have one to add? Send an email to chapin dot spencer at gmail dot com.
- What is the strangest food that you've eaten?
- What law have you always wanted to break...and why haven't you?
- What secret have you wanted to share?
- Tell us about a near death experience you've had.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
What Was Your Most Embarassing Moment?
Mike: "What are you doing here?"
me: "um... I baked you cookies."
Mike: "uhuh, why?"
me: "cause uh...."
Mike: "oh.... what kind are they?"
me: "almond"
Mike: "I'm allergic to nuts."
- I had a huge crush on Mike Czhicowski in the 11th grade. When I heard that his grandmother had died I badked almond cookies and brought them to his house. His mother answered the door and asked who I was. All I could say was "Mike?" She rolled her eyes and called him over. He came to the door and our conversation when something like this:
Mike: "What are you doing here?"
me: "um... I baked you cookies."
Mike: "uhuh, why?"
me: "cause uh...."
Mike: "oh.... what kind are they?"
me: "almond"
Mike: "I'm allergic to nuts."
- I spoke Japanese to someone who was Korean, they got really offended.
- um.... I dropped my skirt in the middle of Hannaford's and everybody saw.
- I had my period in front of the whole school in seventh grade. I bled on an Adirondack chair.
- My boyfriend and I got caught "hooking up" at a beach. They called our parents.
- When I peed my pants while on stage during a high school production of Alice in Wonderland. Oy!
- My friend pants'ed me in front of a lot of people (at a hotel)
- Talking about someone at a party and having them standing behind me. Whoops!
- Meeting my boyfriend's parents on 4/20 at Ridin' High skate shop where I worked. Sleeping in a hammock and got out with my butt asleep. Knocked over the whole row of mopeds in front of his parents. Eek!
- Getting stopped and searched at the Canadian border. They found weed residue and a bowl.
- Cutting a girl's lip with my braces while engaging in my first French kiss.
- When I went to school without my glasses for the first time.
- When I got angry at the wrong person.
- When I knocked over the speakers at an orchestra concert.
- When I didn't know how to kiss.
- Your sign spelled "embarrassing" incorrectly, that's embarrassing! (Ed note: Yup, we forgot one of the "r"s, whoops!)
Monday, May 31, 2010
When Was the Last Time You Wrote a Real Letter?
Current Answers:
- Every month I send birthday cards to my friends!
- Last month I wrote many letters to people who helped me. ~ Celia
- Last month ~ Lylie
- Two days ago
- Last summer when at camp
- A month or so ago
- To you! Because I graduated and you're awesome! Love, Ectocooler (Thanks Emily!)
- Two months to the day. I never heard back from her either.
- Yesterday
- 2002
- 3 weeks ago
- Dear Chapin and Rebecca. Right now! Sincerely, Meg
- I right letters all the time. My grandma doesn't like computers so I right her letters all the time.
- May 2, 2010
- If postcards count, 9 months. If not, then six years, when my brother was in basic training.
- This morning.
- The last time I used the postal service to correspond was about a month ago...if we aren't counting postcards because I sent 3 of these in the last 2 weeks. I like the act of writing out thoughts, it can be a cathartic, centering activity if you find the right rhythm. I also love getting the fanciest stamps they carry at the post office and I always hand decorate my envelopes with lots of flare. Email could never replace the thoughtful and romantic medium of letter writing. ~ Trish, ONE
- 2 years ago when my best friend was living in Spain. Also, your box is infested with ants. ~ S.E.W.
- A. Just now.
- 2 days ago. It's important, especially for our elders who don't use computers.
- When a long-time friend went to Boot Camp in Missouri last summer. BTW, she is the stereotypical blonde who survived and thrived in the army. Amazing person.
- I am still an avid fan of letters! I hope it never becomes obsolete! ~ Suzanne
- I wrote real letters when I was in prison. By hand on lined paper. Very civilized. ~ R.L.
- The last time I wrote a letter was last summer to my friend in Utah. ~ T.M.C.
- I think the last time I wrote a real letter was at camp last year. I know this is going to change since two really good friends of mine are going to the Air Force Academy.
- Dear bikeway: Thank you for the tools to express my appreciation for surroundings and splendor. We are lucky folk. Love and kisses, the Maple Queen
- Dear Burlington: I hold this truth to be self-evident: that all drivers should be well aware of the cones at workzones. Follow the cone tapers with their respective 'keep right' signs. Follow your nose wherever it goes. Sincerely, a worker in Burlington
- I wish there could be less fuzz in the air.
- Do not ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive and then do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.
- Are you a believer? ~ Greg
- I eat watermelon. Yes.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
What Do You Pledge To Do For Yourself This Summer?
- Save enough money to move to Florida in the fall
- Get fit! Wahoo! Love myself more!
- Play!
- Own a giraffe
- Ride 50 miles for VT Cares on the Champ Ride! Go team Bike Recycle!
- I pledge to honor my soul and my body so that I might make a difference in my community. I pledge to do this by slowing down sometimes, honoring my breath and maintaining the best balance I can. Because I can. C.K.
- Hi Rebecca and Chapin. See you in the relay?! ~ Ginger
- Lose weight
- Drink a fish
- Go boating
- Quit my job. Hoorah!
- Be carried by my cousin so I don't have to walk
- Lean mad German. ~ JP
- Play more drums!
- Enjoy the locality of food and all of its goodness.
- Nice project! What happened to my most embarrassing moment question? My new answer: AC
- Go to the beaches and ride my bike and maybe go to Montreal
- Thank you to the amazing groundsman for cleaning up the foliage that grew overnight.
- I pledge to poop everyday (Ed note: thanks for the cute kid drawing)
- I will exercise more!
- Swimming - Julie
- Move my body!
- Get a job. ~ Dave
- Swim (a lot)
Monday, April 12, 2010
What Is Your Favorite Place to Visit in Vermont?
- Barnet and West Barnet Vermont because I was born and raised there. The rural beauty and scenery are amazing. - Elizabeth
- South Hero because of the scenery and apple orchards. - Michael
- Ben & Jerry's, Waterbury and Grand Isle
- Stowe alpine slide and Splash at the Burlington Boathouse
- Maidstone State Park
- Skyline Lodge on the Long Trail
- My childhood home in Springfield
- Couchy with mantuni
- Sudbury
- Sledding down Camel's Hump or Knoll Farm in Fayston
- Burlington because it is great and so is this box!
- Manchester Center though I also enjoy visiting Shelburne
- Texas Falls near Middlebury is beautiful (kind of a secret treasure) Carol, Georgia VT
- One favorite is the bike path here! NE Kingdom, Danville, Plainfield
- Rutland Movie Theater
- I love going to the Shelburne Museum
- Burlington Bike Path - beautiful views, lots of space to bike
- Lake Willoughby
- Prison
- Anywhere but Rutland
- The lake (beach)
- Maidstone State Park
- Stave Island
- Jay Peak
- Shelburne Bay
- Shelburne Farms
- Friends in Vermont
- Burlington, Waitsfield water hole, Mad River Glen
- Karme Choling, Barnet VT
- Seymour Lake
- Nothing
- Chelsea, VT
- Single Pebble
- The Huntington Gorge
- Lake Willoughby and Lake Champlain
- Oakledge Park, Mount Philo and Shelburne Farms
- Bread and Puppet
- Caleb's place
- Smuggler's Notch in the fall -- beautiful leaves, dramatic rocks and cliffs, waterfalls in the rain
- Oakledge Park
- The Flynn
- UVM Skiing Carnival
- Smuggler's Notch, watching the sunset at Battery Park
- Hog Island in Swanton
- My grand daughter's house in Richmond
- Woodstock - the town and people are great!
- Shelburne Orchard -- great views, great vibes
- Camels Hump
- My couch and Muddy Waters
- Indian Brook Park in Essex
- Journey's End in Johnson, VT
- 58 Conger Avenue in Burlington -- Nice patio!
- I think I might fall in love with a man from Stowe.
- The airport, the Charlotte Flea Market -- three walkers for the March of Dimes
- Lone Rock Point is kinda neat.
- Bike Path in the summer and Stowe -- taking a dip in the stream
- Echo patio, Shelburne Farms, Burlington waterfront
- Waterslide near Lake Willoughby -- Corey
- North Street, Montpelier -- Jesse
- Burlington Waterfront and the falls behind Johnson State College!
- 56 and 58 Conger Avenue
- The Busy Bee Diner in Glover
- Jefferson Falls
- Camels Hump summit, anytime
- Bennington Museum
- Chili's for their El Presidente margarita
- Camels Hump peak, Red Onion, the mountain stream beside the road between Bennington and Brattleboro
- The waterfront bike path on a beautiful sunny day
- The Kingdom, Bristol falls
- I like Pie!...and the Stowe Pinnacle
- McDonalds
- Brewster River Falls in Jeffersonville
- Anywhere where you aren't knocked out by noxious cow patty fumes. Ugh. Gross. Go veggie!
- Lake Willoughby on a nice summer day
- New World Tortilla
- The O.P.
- I love visiting Burlington the most because of all the wonderful people. - Rob
- Mount Mansfield
- Full Tank
- Anywhere on the Long Trail, especially Butler Lodge on Mansfield
- Country roads in the summer like Route 14 and Route 17
- Little River Dam in Waterbury
Sunday, March 7, 2010
What Is Your Favorite Sign of Spring?
- "Some say the world will end in fire. Some say in ice. From what I've tasted of desire, I hold with those who favor fire. But if I had to perish twice, I think I know enough of hate, to say that for destruction ice is also great, and would suffice." Robert Frost
- Skiing, kayaking and running all in one weekend
- It's a tie -- either the birds chirping in the morning or the daffodils!
- A clean bikepath
- Being able to go outside without adding layers!
- People smiling!
- People coming out of the woodwork
- The trees are green (Seth), the sun is warmer (Nina)
- The blooming of spirits
- The smell of freshly mowed grass and newly laid pine for the landscaping
- Redwing blackbirds
- Sage's shirt (Sage is our neighbor)
- Lilacs and cherry blossoms
- Dandelions (Ella), spotted salamanders (Gwen), hot dog stands (Gary)
- When people come outside to take in the rays (nice picture!)
- Flowers and smiles
- The sun (2)
- Flowers
- Buds (the tree kind)
- Open up my sandbox
- The sound of peepers
- Nice weather
- It means school is almost over
- Nights on the porch
- Peas
- The emergence of creatures
- The smell after the first thaw
- The song birds, peepers and crocuses
- Warm nights
- Chocolate! - Jonah
- The birds chirping
- The Trail Speak sign!
- Seeing the green return
- Longer, warmer days, brighter mornings, dry sidewalks and bike paths! - Barb and Jim
- Waking up to new bird sounds...waxwings!
- A tan face
- Sunshine and fresh air, the true smell of spring at last - Alexandre Silberman
- Early morning songbirds singing (Thanks for the great picture of a bird)
- The sun - Jason
- The flowers - Jessica
- First sounds of birds, first sign of flowers (thanks for the pictures!)
- The rain and then the flowers
- Sun! - Christine, Winooski
- Little edges of green underneath the dead grass - HMH, Winooski
- Sampling dog poop buffets
- Spring peepers and maple syrup
- Flowers blooming
- Running out here (on the bike path) again!
- Cool March mornings like the ones I fell in loving during many years ago.
- When you can snowboard in a t-shirt - Taraleigh, B'town
- Blooming skunk cabbage at the north end of the bike path
- The smell of cold wet soil and when the trees are pink with their buds
- Thank you for asking...redwing blackbirds and spring beauties
- All of the birds and the tops of the trees turning red
- No snow, sunshine, smiling faces, birds chirping
- Don't need jackets = feel free and light
- Warm weather
- More sunshine
- Red-winged blackbirds
- The smell of things blooming
- Fine ladies shedding layers
- Bare skin!
- The smell
- The coming of early sprouts of tulips
- No more snow! (nice picture)
- This one (meaning the TrailSpeak kiosk)
- Grass and flowers - A.M., age 3
- My 3 year old playing in the dirt with her dump truck in bare feet
- Patios on Church Street
- Mud! For all that it is. For all that it portends. ;-) Yana
- Little birds chirping, growing plant life
- Peeper frogs
- The smell. I'm not sure if I can tell you what it smells just like, but it definitively smells different than winter and as soon as I get a whiff of it, I know it's spring.
- Crocuses
- The geese coming back and the birds singing
- The return of leaves, greenery
- Seeing everyone train for the Vermont City Marathon. We'll see ya on the road.
- The constellation Orion's early disappearance from the night sky ;-)
- Snow!
- Swimming buoys on the waterfront!
- Birds singing. Crocuses. Dirt smells.
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