Current Answers:
- Every month I send birthday cards to my friends!
- Last month I wrote many letters to people who helped me. ~ Celia
- Last month ~ Lylie
- Two days ago
- Last summer when at camp
- A month or so ago
- To you! Because I graduated and you're awesome! Love, Ectocooler (Thanks Emily!)
- Two months to the day. I never heard back from her either.
- Yesterday
- 2002
- 3 weeks ago
- Dear Chapin and Rebecca. Right now! Sincerely, Meg
- I right letters all the time. My grandma doesn't like computers so I right her letters all the time.
- May 2, 2010
- If postcards count, 9 months. If not, then six years, when my brother was in basic training.
- This morning.
- The last time I used the postal service to correspond was about a month ago...if we aren't counting postcards because I sent 3 of these in the last 2 weeks. I like the act of writing out thoughts, it can be a cathartic, centering activity if you find the right rhythm. I also love getting the fanciest stamps they carry at the post office and I always hand decorate my envelopes with lots of flare. Email could never replace the thoughtful and romantic medium of letter writing. ~ Trish, ONE
- 2 years ago when my best friend was living in Spain. Also, your box is infested with ants. ~ S.E.W.
- A. Just now.
- 2 days ago. It's important, especially for our elders who don't use computers.
- When a long-time friend went to Boot Camp in Missouri last summer. BTW, she is the stereotypical blonde who survived and thrived in the army. Amazing person.
- I am still an avid fan of letters! I hope it never becomes obsolete! ~ Suzanne
- I wrote real letters when I was in prison. By hand on lined paper. Very civilized. ~ R.L.
- The last time I wrote a letter was last summer to my friend in Utah. ~ T.M.C.
- I think the last time I wrote a real letter was at camp last year. I know this is going to change since two really good friends of mine are going to the Air Force Academy.
We also got a number of very random responses to this question, including:
- Dear bikeway: Thank you for the tools to express my appreciation for surroundings and splendor. We are lucky folk. Love and kisses, the Maple Queen
- Dear Burlington: I hold this truth to be self-evident: that all drivers should be well aware of the cones at workzones. Follow the cone tapers with their respective 'keep right' signs. Follow your nose wherever it goes. Sincerely, a worker in Burlington
- I wish there could be less fuzz in the air.
- Do not ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive and then do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.
- Are you a believer? ~ Greg
- I eat watermelon. Yes.